Sexuelles Wohlbefinden/Aphrodisiakum/Libido steigern
Secretplay Monodose Free Sex Desire

Secretplay Monodose Free Sex Desire

Liberté is an intimate moisturizer that helps regain libido and awakens sexual desire, favoring intimate relationships, making them more pleasant




2,90EUR 2,30 (inkl. MwSt)







  • Produktbeschreibung  Secretplay Monodose Free Sex Desire

    Liberté is an intimate moisturizer that helps regain libido and awakens sexual desire, favoring intimate relationships, making them more pleasant. A perfect combination of plant ingredients (jojoba, evening primrose, calendula, wheat germ, vitamin E) and Ylang Ylang essential oil, which with its aphrodisiac aroma acts as a natural deodorant. Hydrates and lubricates, providing softness, elasticity, smoothness, satisfaction and well-being of the intimate area.


    Jojoba: Base of the product, because it does not oxidize easily, nor does it acquire bad odors. Famous for its many uses and benefits for the skin. Known as the natural liquid gold. Its properties are as follows: emollients, moisturizers, antioxidants and soothing. Creates a protective pH barrier for the skin and reduces moisture loss thanks to its ceramides.

    Evening Primrose: Rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, belonging to the Omega 6 group. It has high concentrations of antioxidants, which revitalizes the skin cells giving it a fresh and healthy appearance. Provides relief from eczema, psoriasis and rosacea helping to soothe itchy skin.Calendula: One of the most indicated plants to alleviate dermatological conditions, due to its remarkable anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, choleretic, anti-haemorrhagic and healing activity. Helps regenerate damaged and especially sensitive or allergic skin.

    Wheat germ: Remarkable for its high contribution of vitamin E, being a very powerful natural antioxidant for that reason.

    Ylang ylang: Relaxing and stimulating properties. On the one hand it helps relaxation, and on the other hand, its penetrating and sweet aroma improves mood and helps stimulate positive feelings. It is also an essential oil known for its aphrodisiac effects. For centuries it has been used for this property in Asia, Tahiti or India. Ylang ylang essential oil is the oil of good mood, euphoria and well-being. In Indonesia, its flowers are distributed on the bride and groom's bed, on their wedding night, as it is believed to have high aphrodisiac powers.

    Truffle Extract: The truffle releases more than a hundred volatile compounds. One of the chemicals that compose it is andostrenol, one of the pheromones released by humans, for which aphrodisiac effects are attributed.

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Container with "Airless" system with a capacity of 50 ml. Apply a small amount to the intimate area. Suitable for any woman and situations: menopause, irritations, itching, dermatitis, etc. It can be applied several times a day and increase the amount if necessary. We recommend to be used before and after sexual intercourse.

    PRECAUTIONS: Cosmetic product for external use only. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity or allergy to any of the ingredients. In case of irritation discontinue use. Do not apply to the eye area. Do not eat. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

    • ◾  Sachet format
    • ◾  Capacity: 4 ml
    • ◾  Suitable for vegans
    • ◾  Not tested on animals
    • ◾  100% natural
    • ◾  Made in Spain
  • Kennungen 
    MarkeSecret play
    TypLibido steigern
    Kategorie Sexuelles Wohlbefinden / Aphrodisiakum / Libido steigern
    Mpn codeD-227042
    Gtin code8435097836669
    Barcode8435097836669 (EAN-13)
    Passend fürUnisex
    Produktgewicht6,00 g
    Verpackungsgewicht2,00 g
    Verpackungsmaße100 x 70 x 10 mm
    Volumen50 ml
    LotionStimulierend, Entspannen
    Kapazität40 - 69 ml
    Preis inkl. MwStEUR 2,30
    Preis ohne MehrwertsteuerEUR 1,90
    MWST (21,00%)EUR 0,40
    AngebotEUR 0 - 20


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